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Reimbursement Realities Presented by PRIA Healthcare | Episode 1 | Jan 25, 2024

❓How can #MedTechinnovators effectively navigate reimbursement challenges specific to their therapeutic area?

❓What role does real-world evidence play in overcoming reimbursement obstacles?

❓What considerations should MedTech innovators keep in mind when expanding their products globally, especially concerning diverse #reimbursement systems?

❓Why is establishing relationships with payers integral in the #commercialization journey?

We understand that traversing the road to market access alone can be a challenge for innovators in #MedTech and life science, and we’re here to help. We’re thrilled to announce a new LinkedIn Live series, coming in January of 2024, where we’ll explore the expert’s answers to all of your questions.

Our inaugural session of Reimbursement Realities, hosted by Tonya Dowd, MPH, PRIA Healthcare’s Executive Vice President of Reimbursement, Value Generation, and Market Access, and Stephanie DeFelice, eMBA, Vice President of Business Development and Marketing is designed to be an interactive platform to ask and get answers to all of your queries regarding MedTech commercialization. An open forum to ask the experts, and get REAL answers – LIVE!

Have questions, or need expert advice?  We'd love to help you.

Everything we do, we do to advance innovation in healthcare, ultimately improving patient outcomes for a healthier tomorrow.

Call us directly at 860.932.2060 or submit a contact form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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